jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019


El Morad, has got 20 years old. He lives in Hospitalet de Lloberegat, (Calle la Florida) in Barcelona; is not a super hero for me, because he has never done anything for me, but it is a example of superation for me and for more people.
He is a men coming from Morroco, currently is a French Rap music underground. He lives in a dangerouse neighborhood, and his situation when he was young was be poor. His family was poor, because he was born in a poor city, where the people is very hardworking.

He is a example of superation becasue he was a got a poor situation when he was young, and has the courage tolook forward and be strong, until achieve his dreams. To end, and the most important, he is a good person and have got a good heart and he is a very humble person. And for these reasons, he is a role model for me.

Resultado de imagen de mdlr

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